Lots on…

Last week was super busy, especially with Australia Day on Tuesday…

I organised Pictures in the Park, decent crowd in, about 200 plus folk came in from the community, with minimal advertising. We watched Wall-e which has suprising spiritual themes. Lots of visible community presence, and being a blessing.

Had a group of friends we don’t see enough of over for Australia Day. Melinda cooked up some superb pies, curry, steak and mushroom, satay chicken….homemade with big and juicy chunks of meat. Pavlova with fresh blueberries…and a loud and good countdown of Aussie Rock Music on 96fm

Saturday was my sons birthday…turned 9. Bought him a little video camera. He has a real aptitude for ‘story’, and so we want to encourage this natural skill. He loves taking photos and making videos with them. This is a natural next step.
Then I took him and two of his mates to ‘Adventure World‘. I had to go on every ride with them, and so I was smaaaashed.
Then we had a combined family ‘Club Penguin Pizza Night’. Melinda cooked up the finest pizzas possible. Smothered in seafood, chicken and roast pumpkin, meatlovers, feta and vegetarian…etc etc….

Today was Church at Inglewood Church. Big crowd in, great sense of God’s presence and joy. Our new youth pastor showed a great video and I spoke on ‘Thy word is a’….
It went really well, with a stack of visitors….

Life is good…off to make myself a coffee with some coffee that my sister in law brought me from Vietnam…and a Krispy Kreme doughnut that my sister brought me from Melbourne….BLESSED!

2 thoughts on “Lots on…”


    Now that is over, thanks for helping me shoot the video. It was fun!

    It really was a busy week, hopefully this week is a little calmer.

  2. It must be lovely to have such a sweet sister that she brings you Krispy Kreme's – Yum!! 🙂
    Good to see you again Mark!!

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