Monday Night Special Rick Warren

Rick spoke from Exodus Three where Moses approached the burning bush and God asked him some key questions. Of course God knew the answers, it was for Moses’benefit.
His question was, “what do you have in your hand” The answer of course was the staff, which represented his identity, as a shepherd.

Ricks’application was that we are to accept God’s agenda for our lives, give up who we are to advance his kingdom. Rick’s definition of The Kingdom of God is wherever Jesus rules, thats where the Kingdom is.

He talked, humbly, about the social and justice work him and his wife have been involved in, particularly amongst aids sufferers.

Rick has brought a humble, credible and prophetic voice to this conference. It was a moving and personally challenging time for me.

Ps 72, Exodus 3 and 1 Cor 9

2 thoughts on “Monday Night Special Rick Warren”

  1. I’m impressed by the way Rick Warren has used the proceeds from his bestsellers.

    To use resources to fight poverty and injustice in the world is commendable.

  2. I’m sure he will be very pleased to have your approval. I’ve heard he speaks highly of you too. ;o)

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