It is here!
Came up a lot quicker than last year.
This year our speakers are Wayne Alcorn and Keith Farmer.
Leading worship will be Eliot Vlatko with some help from Andy James Court.
This is a wonderful time of refreshment and renewal for everyone involved, even me and Malcolm Rule who do a lot of the legwork and organising, politics (yes!) and trying to keep everyone involved and invigorated.
It is being held at the Mandurah Atrium who do great food, and lets face it, if you don’t have to do the dishes afterwards, its always better.
I really believe in Pastors, I believe they hold the key to change our culture and society more than anyone else. This is because they lead the churches. For good or for bad, thats what we do. And the church is the place Christ has chosen to work through. We are the chosen people, and Pastors are to lead. This is why I support them, even when they dissapoint, have different theology and practices to me. Even when I have no idea why they are in the ministry, or what they could possibly do that would be effective. I still support them. Someone has to…….
Thanks for your hard work Mark, and your encouraging words. Andrea and I are really looking forward to the conference.
see you there… 🙂