A friend of mine recently got offered some great electronic products if he would review them on his blog.
It got me thinking, why am I doing this blog?
It is not to get offered electronics…although feel free.
The reason my friend was offered products is because he has a professional looking, purposeful blog…aimed at a certain activity (gardening)
I know from different sources that this blog is well read. It has been around for a while now, and built up quite the web history.
Should I get my own domain, should I switch to wordpress…should I become more intentional?
The purpose of my blog is to give me a platform to share some of my life, thoughts and hopefully have some interaction with those who may read it.
It has never been about making money, just sharing my life.
Thats not likely to change…but I am thinking about making it a little more professional.
The biggest issue with any 'switch' is transferring readers to your new site.
If you do make the switch, make it once and make sure you are happy with it before you do jump! Going 'back' is just about as bad as making the jump in the first place.
Having said all this…my 2 cents is that you should move to wordpress 😀
Mark, WordPress really is very good. Much better than Blogger IMO, with a couple of caveats: if you use WordPress.com (free hosted service), you can't use flash widgets nor advertising like Google Ads. However, if you go self-hosted the sky is the limit, but you do have to pay for hosting somewhere.
Yeah, I wouldn't move to wordpress from blogger if I was just going to the free wordpress. Sure, it is still better…but IMO not by enough to justify the move.
After years on Blogger I made the move to WordPress and have never looked back. The export/import functions work well for the transfer.
The extra function WordPress provides is amazing.
There are certainly ways to use snippets of code to redirect readers. (If you go to rodneyolsen.blogspot.com you'll be told that the blog has moved then it will automatically redirect you to rodneyolsen.net)
Don't delete your Blogger account. Keep it active as a redirection so no one can take it and display nasty stuff to your readers. 🙂
just through sharing my life on my blog i've received some product trials and offers… Mother Energy Drinks sent me a case of cans after I blogged about how funny their new ad was.
It's not been an intention of mine, but I have felt ok taking certain bonuses… though when asked to run a DVD promotion give away on a movie i wasn't quite sure about I decided that the free DVDs i'd get out of it wasn't worth the possible negative image this particular movie might portray on my blog.