I met Melinda when I was 19 and she was 15 and three quarters. That 3/4’s is pretty important as I tell this story…
We started going out shortly after that, and I took her out to a Chinese Restaurant for her 16th birthday. I don’t know what her mum was thinking, but I remember what she wore, and the fact she was a stunning redhead. Funny that, I always had a thing for redheads.
When I went off to Adelaide about 12 months later, I did not know what would happen, and the time over there was trying…very trying. I was in Adelaide for three years studying, But we did get engaged over that time.
Short story…we got married shortly after I got back from Adelaide, and although there are some things we regret about the wedding, some of the family things, and the ring she had, looking back now after 17 years, we are happy to be married.
It has not always been easy, we have had our fair share of fights. I struggle to be completely comfortable with couples who never fight, and are always talking in glowing terms about each other. It just smacks of a ‘show’ to me. I am more comfortable with people who are realistic about their marriage, but in love with each other.
I love Melinda, she loves me.
This year when I sold my old Vitara, by happy twist, we found a ring independently of each other, but the same ring! I bought it that day and have been keeping it until today, our 17th Wedding Anniversary.
Love my wife, and she loves me….
Awww 🙂