The past few months have been a mixed bag for me. But the light at the end is not the oncoming train.
We are almost ready to sell the land our Church owns. That is the end of a long journey. Our Church is absolutely ready for the next move. That is something many could not say, that their church was ready for significant change.
Personally our family is looking forward to some long service leave towards the end of the year. After 18 years of ministry, hard slog at times, joy and laughter at others, it is time to reflect on the next stage of our Church journey. Time to get ready for where God is taking Inglewood Community Church too.
God is good. Feeling myself coming out of a funk, feeling better and better.
Many prayers and best wishes on your new journey Mark, I am sure the time off will be wonderful and a time to not only spend with the family but to be still and listen!!
God bless you all in the next phase of your church!