At Inglewood Community Church we have established a working team of people looking at possibilities as we desire to build/aquire/modify facilities to have a Performing Arts Centre.
The Land our church owns is almost ready to sell, something I am quite involved in, and the next step for our Church needs to be discovered.
What I am praying for now is that God would honour His name. It is not about our kingdom, it is about His.
Our strong desire is that His name would be lifted high, that many people would come to know joy and life through discovering Jesus. Part of this process is the light of Jesus being shone. We are not meant to hide His light under a bushel. We want to serve our community through the arts, and development of young talent.
I would love you to pray with me, to pray with us, as the team look at our options. Pray God will show us what to do next. Its for Him.