I have been meditating on some of the later Psalms in my daily devotions.
This verse from Psalm 116 struck me.
“15 The Lord cares deeply when his loved ones die”
Notice that this does not say that the Lord will prevent an untimely death, or cure all our ills. We know from experience that even when we pray in faith, God does not always heal, or answer prayers as we would always ask.
Sometimes awful and truly tragic events unfold in our lives, and the lives of people we care about and love. Despite our heartfelt pleas, God does not answer with a miraculous intervention. Sometimes He will, and He still does, I believe in that.
So what to do, how to react, when He doesn’t. I can’t give cliched or succinct answers. I can only quote the above verse, which I believe to be true. The Lord cares….deeply….when His loved ones die. He does not always stop it, but He does care.