Oh someone up there is looking after me.
I rock up at Midland shops at about 7.30am to get my derby tickets.
Now Midland shops is undergoing a huge redevelopment, and I am waiting outside at the wrong glass doors. What I mean is that the entry I am going to go through when the security guard opens the door is miles from the Wesley Music store aka Tickemaster booth.
Thankfully for me the security guard opens my door, I spend about five minutes wandering through the store until I find Ticketmaster.
As I wait outside I am struck by the fact that there is normally about 50 people already waiting there.
Then I glance to my right and see about 100 people waiting outside, right near the store, for the security guard to let them in!
They come rushing in about five minutes later and demand to know how I got in, and I tell them. The lady who was there first has been waiting since 3am!!!
Unfortunately for her, she is an Eagles fan, and does not realise that Eagles fans cannot buy tickets today, members already have theirs, and only Dockers fans can buy them.
She trudges off very upset.
The next lady is a mad keen Dockers supporter, and has been waiting since 5am!!
I stroll in, and she has been waiting for ages!!!
Worse is to come.
The Ticketmaster computer is playing up, and they take until about 9.13 to get my tickets, two tickets at opposite ends of the ground.
The poor lady behind me gets restricted viewing tickets.
Only three more people get theirs, the rest miss out!
All Derby Tickets gone by 9.15am.
What, Clem is sitting by himself!!!
Damn I knew I should have secured those 3 single tickets that was offered to me by the ticketmaster site. i was hoping for 2 seats together. well done markedly
btw, i heard that lady on six-pr this morning she mentioned about how she was the 1st lady there since 3 and an weagles supporter. not a happy lass 🙂
i’m hoping a special release come wednesday to the general public if not sooner for freo members who missed out as there is a scam happening on eBay [surprise surprise] and the wce club was to cancel those and reissue.
there is 2 adult tickets going for $429 eBay BUY NOW so no bidding involved!
I paid $21 for one ticket and $35 for another, the $35 is probably going to get sold to my brother in law who is a RABID weagles fan, because my wife does not want to sit by herself, fair enough tooo I reckon, Clem will be home cheering with mum and Ruby yelling out “yucky Eagles”, something he has done since he was able to speak,
smart kid that one 🙂
congratulations.. it should be a corker. make sure you cheer extra loud for me!!