Yesterday I kicked off the new series at Inglewood Church called ‘Spirituality’
I spoke on hearing from God, here are some of my notes…
How can you hear Gods voice?
well there is no easy answer…there is no five step plan. There is no key to unlock it easily…there is no pill you can take. But if you want to be that tree drawing down deep….here is what you need to know and apply.To whom much us given much is required (hearing God)
The parable of the talents makes it really clear. The man who hid what God had given to him, had even that taken from him
If God does speak, and you ignore, or ever worse disobey it, even that small talent you have been given will be taken from you.
Imagine if the God of heaven comes to you with a specific word…and you ignore it!If you hear the word, the logos, you need to act on and obey that word
God not into hot or cold, God did not pain the flowers in grey. There are very few grey flowers. They are vibrant colours. Because God is vibrant. He wants us to hear His word, to hear His voice…and to respond.
The very biblical principle is that if God speaks to you, dont just listen. Demons hear the voice of God…dont just listen…do.
Otherwise the consequence is that He may not talk anymore.
Some Christians who have been Christians for years, have grown tired and old well before their time, because God has spoken, but its like His voice is not as important as theirs. Gods voice is actually a pretty big deal. on the list of priorities, its actually top. But sometimes if we are honest, we act like its one of three options.
It was interesting, and as often happens, God spoke to me as I was sharing. What I then shared with the people was this thought. God loves us like a Father loves children. When He thought of us years before, dreamt up when we would enter this world, did He then also decide He would ignore us? No. He wants to speak to you today. Just as a Father loves talking to His children.