Apparently there is a football game on.
Will I as a patriotic West Australia be barracking for the Eagles?
I don’t think so.
Football is not about State rivalries, its about tribalism.
You wont see Crows fans supporting Port when they are in the GF.
You wont see Collingwood fans supporting Carlton against anyone.
I go for two teams, the Dockers and whoever is playing the Eagles. GO SWANNIES!
If the Eagles win, good luck to them, and it will be well deserved.
But I wont be cheering them on.
I know you won’t agree with me Mark, but I am a Dockers Fan first, then I go for the Eagles because I’m a West Aussie and they are the other WA side.
That doesn’t mean I actually like the Eagles, just as it doesn’t mean that because I put up with my noisy neighbours they are my best friends. But you have to live with them still though. I think it’s called “Tolerant acceptance”. I tolerate them.
Anyway, it’s a bit sad that the team that deserves to be there this year isn’t… But I know we’ll give whoever makes it with us next year a run for their money…
Carn the Dockers!
I agreed with you Mark. Ask a Carlton supporter who they were supporting when Collingwood were playing Brisbane in the GF’s.
These people who say, “I go for the Eagles and the Dockers” make me sick. How can you be passionate (which is what it takes to be a supporter) about two teams.
If you did that in marriage it would be called bigamy or infidelity.
Footy is about the rivalries and as stupid as it may be that’s what it takes to support a team with passsion.
Your logic is flawed. Why favour the Swans over the Eagles? Why not the other way around? Being anti-Eagles doesn’t prove you’re a more passionate Dockers supporter, only that you don’t like the Eagles. I only support one team, so why am I supposed to then go for which ever team is playing against Freo? Why would I support a Victorian team, for example? Now THAT would be absurd.
Logic has absolutely nothing to do with it, and if you think it does, well, I dont wont to offend, but you dont know much about following a footy team!!!!
Tribalism dictates that there are some tribes more despised than others.
Saint Gaz hates Adelaide more than other side, circa 1997.
He has supported the Saints since he could talk, and despite their lack of success, he continues to support them. That is true support.
Same goes for those who have supporter WC for a while, and cant stand Essendon after the Dons stitched them up at Windy Hill one day, and Sheedy started the whole jacket waving thing.
Most Dockers supporters cant stand the Weagles for a number of reasons, but mostly its because they are more of a corporation than a footy club, they are obviously favoured by the WA media, and they are generally patrionising towards Dockers supporters.
Interesting insight in to your mind. Tribalism is so yesterday. If you prefer wearing a grass skirt having a bone through your nose and using that as basis for wearing a purple shirt well….not to offend.
At least your honest and can recognise talent even though you didn’t recognise behind that cave man thought you’ve complimented the Eagles. The Eagles are an excellent corporation, well run, well organised, well supported and the best is ….they know how to play footy better than the Dockers. All this other stuff is just sour grapes from the losing side….there’s no guts or glory in the rantings of a loser. I must grant you this though… if you’re representatvie of Dockers supporter your ugly side is uglier than i thought.
Go the Almighty Eagles!!!!
Thanks anonymous!
Dont take any of this too seriously okay??
Its just a game 🙂 A lovely distraction.
BTW, the Eagles are not that good, they have lost the last four games they played against the Dockers, including a thumping in the last derby.
But they have done well to get in the GF, but I would say that is in spite of their coach and his uncreative tactics, not because of him.
So I take it that you will support the Dockers if they get in the GF??
Mark, I am led to believe that Docker fans despising the Eagles has less to do with any perceived corporatisation but, as anon suggests, because (in spite of the last few encounters), you’ve been consistently thrashed by them through the years. Hence I don’t have reciprocal feelings about the Dockers.
But I understand your POV. I no longer support the Eagles and whoever is playing Vicotrian teams, but also whoever is playing Sydney. If Worsfolds uncreative tactics keep getting us into the GF, fantastic.
But I will humbly admit I probably don’t know much about following a footy team, I didn’t grow up with it and am learning. So thanks for your edumacation. Dockers fans do have something to teach us – mindless fanaticism.
Well in the end it doesn’t matter cos The WCE beat all the rest in 2006, so there 🙂
Mark, i started going for the Saints when i was 15. I’d learnt to talk a couple of years before that.
One reason I continue to support the Saints is that I know that as soon as I jump off them they’ll win the premiership for 10 years in a row. They exist to cause me pain, no other reason.
Watching Reivoldt line up to kick for goal after pulling in the mark of the year, and then shanking it out of bounds on the full is enough to cause anyone pain.
Having Cornflakes as your coach, watching the freakiest injuries known to man occur, knowing that your full forward is a weagles reject who wipes stains off his teamates face,
I admire your loyality, there is an understanding between Saints and Dockers supporters. It is something that I have yet to see in WC fans 🙂
And Scott, enjoy it mate, I know I would be 🙂