How much are we drawn to comfort, to the stable, to what we know. To that which fails to challenge us or take away our breathe.
I read this article, I presume it is satirical, where a world renown sushi chef gives reasons why granola bars are better than sushi. He writes that sushi in unpredictable, hard to prepare and goes off. Granola bars are none of that. (here) This is why he argues granola bars are better.
Sushi is not boring. No two sushi are the same. Its very temporal nature is what makes it interesting.
So is life. It is temporal. It is inherently unreliable.
Lets not treat life like a muesli bar when in fact this life we have been given, for God only knows how long, is something to be treated as interesting, full of possibility, full of challenge, full of the opportunity for joy.