Church sign colour

Phil Cooke is rapidly becoming a bit of a hero of mine, after presenting Christianity in the best possible light on Dentons Show “God on my side” Go to Rodneys site for a discussion of this.

Anyway, on his blog he talks about colours and the use of them in marketing material.

The distinct colour in our church logo is orange.

His take on orange is this,

“ORANGE – Orange is associated with vibrancy and the tropics, as well as warmth and contentment. It can instill a sense of fun and excitement. It implies health. It suggests pleasure, cheer, endurance, generosity and ambition. It can make an expensive product seem more affordable. It appeals to a wide range of people, both male and female.”

Sounds pretty good to me. I think most leadership decisions, including ones on how to present yourself, come from gut decisions. Good to see our church leadership made a good ‘gut’ decision on the church logo!

2 thoughts on “Church sign colour”

  1. So was it commercially done or in house? (Looks good by the way). Might be a good topic for Ra’ah?

  2. Commercially done, by a friend who owns a marketing company, but they presented us with a few options which we chose from.

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