Today was an amazing service…God spoke in so many ways to us….putting something deep into our psyche.
I warned the church last week that our special guest might be a little rough around the edges, and that we needed to show grace and acceptance to him. He was a vietnam veteran who was 38 when he went to service…and had to lead a group of 18 and 19 year olds.
The stories about the rejection that Vietnam Vets suffered at the hands of overzealous protestors (buckets of blood chucked on his head) and from the RSL…who told them they were not real soldiers and had not fought in the war. In fact we were told this morning that the reason for many of the issues the Vets faced was not so much from the war, but the rejection they experienced when they came home.
The church shed a few tears, and gave a word of thanks and acceptance.
Colin Battersby led us in a moving worship time, and played along with his excellent mult-media presentation, It is well with my Soul… Brilliant….Grab him if you can, he consults and leads worship teams to greater depth and proficiency, from wherever they are.
Afterwards we shared Anzac Cookies and a good coffee and shared about what God had done in our midst…a big crowd in, and a time of blessing…..Thanks God for giving us something new.
Sounds like a great time Mark. It looks like God is doing great things at Bedford. It is really encouraging to read about it. Especially about the vet sharing his story.