Reading today about how Kev is trying to get different budgetary items through the senate. Just about everything is getting blocked.
Whatever you think about Rudd, this does not make sense to me.
The guy has been elected our prime minister. We are going to hold him accountable for what he does and doesn’t do as our countries leader. Yet….he cant do what he believes is right.
There should be some mandate that he is given. We then can hold him accountable at the next election, but to stop the guy from leading does not make sense to me.
No one wants a dictator…but no one wants someone who is appointed to lead, but then not allowed to lead.
I agree Mark. He needs to be allowed to lead. I think too often oppositions try to shoot down everything the government wants to do just because they are in opposition. There should be a more bi-partisan approach.
The other thing I have noticed lately is that politics seems to have got interesting again. With the WA election result and the changes in the opposition leadership at both state and national level things are hotting up.
It isn’t so much that he is getting shut down, but when he is getting shut down.
Senator Fielding and Xenophon are knocking every piece of legislation at the first calling, not allowing it to really get discussed or modified. What they ‘should’ do (and excuse me not knowing the PARTICULAR language) is let is past the first stage so it can be discussed and, if required, amended.
Just ‘passing’ everything willy nilly doesn’t work. That is what Howard was able to do. Yes, we ‘kept him accountable’ by voting him out, but what is better IMO is when the senate gets to look at the policies, discuss them, amend them and then pass them.
Currently the senate is just knocking everything back before it is even really looked at which is plain stupid.
I agree Middo. The Senate should have the freedom to modify and clarify the bill, but not stop it completely.
Do think an Australian republic change things?
oops … the question was “Do you think an Australian republic MIGHT change things?”
it would all depend on the model adopted. I think it ‘could’, but doubt it would.
Having said that I am all for a republic!
I dont know if it would.
I dont think any australian wants to see what is happening in the US at the moment. Unless you are a millionaire, and have the literally billion dollars needed to run, you cant become president.
I actually like the monarchy. I dont know what the answer is.
Oh for sure, I ‘definately’ do not want a US style republic. So much wasted money!
We’ve got what we elected, and Rudd needs to draft legislation that he knows can pass muster in a finely balanced Senate. Fielding hasn’t been obstructionist, he’s staying true to what his values are, the same for Xenephon.
If Australians wanted a rubber stamp Labor wall to wall proposition at State and Federal level they would have voted so.
You guys over West have experienced the growing pendulum swing which may mean that Rudd is a one term wonder. With policies like the luxury car tax and other policies to simply watch things – one term is enough!
Labor MP John Murphy’s use of precious Parliament time to complain on his wife’s behalf about the portion size of Beef Stroganof in the cafeteria shows just how out of touch the champions of kitchen table economics are.
Do these people really understand the pressures that ‘working families’ face when they use our Parliament to launch trivial crusades on behalf of their unelected spouses?
All talk and no action.