We started singing Cory Asbury’s song, “Reckless Love” recently at Church. Every new song we sing at Church goes through a process. Some of the parameters are ‘singability’, when it was released, its culture, its feel, its tempo and of course its theology and meaning.
This song has caused some ruckus in the evangelical world particularly over the phrase, ‘ reckless love of God’. Some wonder if God could be described as ‘reckless’. Surely God is thoughtful and considered.
I have a theory that all emotions are helpful in the right context. Perhaps even a sense of recklessness is appropriate if you consider the context. Jesus shared the parable of the shepherd who left the 99 to pursue the 1. The one who had wandered away from the flock. There is a sense of recklessness about this action, motivated by God’s love for every one of us.
I wonder sometimes if we have allowed our Western thought of rationalism to permeate church culture of the point it overshadows the testimony of scripture. To the point we subconsciously think that God considers as we do. Is it not possible to consider the fact that God may be overcome with love, so greatly, so deeply, that His pursuit of us is considered reckless?
Would you say that it would be reckless if I knew I was going to be killed for someone who would not even return the love I was offering? I think you might. Yet this is the type of love God has shown for us.
I love singing a new song, as the scriptures command. It forces me out of sentimentality and into spirituality. To consider again, anew and afresh…the reckless love of God for me.