We have just had the best attended and most enjoyable Christmas Services since I have attended Bedford.
Over 240 people came through both services, with Christmas Dav Service packing the church, leaving us with no room to move! Mostly through personal invitations and family attending with family.
Eliot and the Soul Jam Choir did an awesome job, as did our own Jim Mc Kinnon, who nailed a beautiful old carol.
We had some excellent and flowing multi media, helped in no small part by having two projectors. This helps the seniors who like to be able to see what is going on.
Most of all though I sense Gods joy upon us as we continue to leave behind the stuffiness and formality of previous services and move towards embracing joy and a naturalness in our expression of worship. And this is not necesarily a generational shift….some of our most joyful and happy folk are those who are glad to embrace new ways of worship, and joy in the service.