I attended the Baptist Assembly at Carey Baptist Church. It was a significant meeting.
The fact we could even have the assembly at Carey, a fantastic facility, is because of much of the leadership change we have seen brought in at Baptist denominational level. Healthy accountability structures enabling people to be creative and spirit led. Carey was founded upon sound leadership principles which came out of the whole leadership structure that has been brought in.
Worship time was great, Jett and his team of hipsters led us well, and to hear a Elevation song done, well that is always going to make me happy.
It was very interesting to see in reality the change in the face of people who came to assembly. There were a lot of women leaders, Pastors and associates and and others. The person who was accredited to be a Pastor in the Baptist Family of Churches was an Asian woman. What Mark Wilson said in regard to the changing role of women in church leadership was excellent. There was also a lot of younger pastors and leaders there, engaged and interested which was very interesting and encouraging to me. They feel the WA Baptist Family of Churches is a denomination they want to be a part of. I don’t think we can underestimate the change in culture that has taken place in ten years. To hear people laugh and enjoy assembly. That just didn’t happen before.
I think back to over ten years ago and Steve Smith was up against it. I don’t think we can underestimate the platform he brokered that enabled Mark Wilson to be able to come in. God has gifted Mark with the ability to bring reality, realness and social intelligence to a gathering. The meeting was good humoured, passionate and focused on mission. People don’t like change, but the change at denominational level has been necessary and incredibly positive.
It was great to see Mark Wilson get a overwhelming majority vote for him to continue in his role for the next five years. Mark presented some videos and thoughts on what Baptist Churches in WA get involved in and run. Like Sportsfest, Leavers at Dunsburough, Baptist Care, Baptist Schools and churches growing and being planted.
The Next Season
With all the changes taking place in our denomination there is a wonderful opportunity here for our Baptist Family of Churches to continue to to shine a light now and for generations. The reality is that in our post-christian generation our Baptist Churches continue to grow and be vibrant places of spirituality, shaping culture and communities for Jesus.