What does it mean to prepare a talk every week for a group of people? Are we just, as Mark Twain suggests, ‘preaching to moral people about why they should be moral?’ (loose)
Or is there something more?
This week I am speaking on Holy Discontent, within the broader context of hearing from God. Its a beautiful experience when God speaks to you….and something we may miss out on if we don’t place ourselves in positions to hear from Him.
This is a ‘one off’ message. I like to preach in series to build momentum, interest and focus.
More on what I am preaching on over the next month soon, stay tuned, get the coke cold, and prepare to be encouraged.
I think that maybe we in the church fool ourselves into thinking it would be good enough to be “moral people” but honestly, we just aren’t that moral.
Here’s hoping you’ll share your message online.
Nice to “discover” you.
Marty Daniels
No argument there mate,