Geelong came to play, Freo did not.
There were not many Freo players playing with much intensity in this important game.
Hedland, Josh Carr and even the perennial misser, Medhurst, played with some vigour.
It could have been far different if those easy misses were converted in the third quarter, but they were not. Something to do with football being played in the mind I think.
Someone asked me what I thought of Connolly as a coach the other day. I have continued to defend him. Problem is, that it is his job to get the team ready and willing to play, and play for each other. Some serious man management work needs to be done in the next couple of weeks if we are to even make the finals, let alone have a significant impact in them.
I respect your faith, but I just don’t get the Freo people who keep on defending the guy. He seems a lovely bloke, but it is quite clear he has NOT done a good job as coach. I have been a member from the start, but decided they would not be paying for his contract extension with my money. I chucked it in last year along with some mates. and I don’t buy it when people say, “You’re not a real fan.” There comes a point when you get sick of the spin. Why would you extend the contract of a guy who clearly cannot get the best out of his players. And how much difference does a coach make? Look no further than Craig, Eade or Wallace (and dare I say it even though it pains me – Worsfold.) And don’t get me started on teh Feonness of Freo. As a lifetime sharks supporter, it galls me to here Schwabb say things like, “No, we wont be wearing East or south jumpers in heritage round, because we’re making our own history.” That IS our history and that IS the point!
End of rant….gee I feel better.
Fair enough comments, and
I certainly agree with the wish to retain, embrace our WAFL history.
Some of the legends of the game they should bring down would include some well known Sharks and Bulldog players (except Hardie)
What I dont like is whiteanting.
While he is the coach, I will support him publicly, which does not mean I disagree with constructive criticism.
I do think he needs to work on the team spirit and communication between players.
I think he needs to let Bell and Pav take the group away for the mid season break. Its all very well for the coaches to have their little pow woh, but they are not playing the game.