Here are some things I am working on in my own leadership style. I have become accutely aware that I am not good at confronting and dealing with small issues. They fester and then can become larger issues. This is super painful for me. To realise things about myself which don’t help others.
Key Cultural shifts
- Quick, direct, kind, simple feedback for everyone. Staff and volunteers.
- If people love Jesus they will serve, give, be engaged, share their faith, invite people to church and the church will grow in number and influence
- If we don’t delegate we control. When we control we limit creativity to our own and miss the creativity which is stored in others. We can have control or growth, we can’t have both
- The Bible is the key tool we have to see real growth and change in peoples lives. Our challenge as leaders is to have our people read their bibles for inspiration, challenge, encouragement and exhortation.
- Trusting people means challenging them to say yes to Jesus at every point in their lives.